To Our Clients and Friends:
The Summer 2003 Tax
Client Newsletter will bring you up-to-date on a number of important
tax law changes for 2003. As a result of meaningful 2003 tax
legislation, there are a number of significant tax law changes
affecting you this year and right now.
You may be aware through media attention that many
of the important tax law changes are scheduled to sunset" (go away)
at various dates. Since this issue is of concern to so many
taxpayers, we are enclosing a handy reference chart on the last page
of this newsletter. You should think of the "sunset" issue as a
future concern and take advantage of the opportunities that you
have today.
If you have any
questions concerning any of the information being reported on in
this Newsletter, please contact my office to schedule an
2003 Tax Law
With the stroke of his pen, President George Bush
signed (May 28) into law the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief
Reconciliation Act of 2003. The new law contains $330 billion worth
of tax cuts.
The 2003 tax act
appears to offer something for almost everyone.
Tax Brackets
One of the most significant features of the
legislation is the lowering of income tax brackets effective for
2003. The 2001 Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act
provided that individual marginal tax rates gradually decline over
several Years. The 2003 legislation accelerates the reductions. The
new tax rates/brackets are:
33% 35%
28% 30%
25% 27%
15% 15% (no change)
10% (no change)
Note: Rates are
retroactive to January 1. 2003.
10% Bracket Expanded
Single taxpayers
with taxable income over $6,000, or a married couple with taxable
income over $12,000 (head-of-household remains at $10,000), will
benefit from the acceleration of' the expansion of the 10% bracket.
Under the 2001 legislation, the 10% bracket was scheduled to
increase to $7,000 for singles and $14,000 for joint filers in 2008.
The 2003 legislation expands the 10% tax bracket
now and the expansion is effective for tax years 2003 and 2004. In
2005, the thresholds revert back to $6,000 and $12,000 respectively
and remain there until they are bumped up again in 2008. The 10% tax
bracket amounts are adjusted for inflation in 2004 and then again in
tax years beginning after 2008.
Penalty Relief
The new tax law
changes the so called marriage penalty rules of the tax code. The
marriage penalty is a feature of the tax code that, in some cases,
leaves two working spouses worse off taxwise than they would be as
singles. The marriage penalty comes about because some features of
the tax laws don't always double for married couples.
For 2003 and 2004,
the new law makes the standard deduction for married taxpayers
filing jointly twice that of singles: $9,500 for the married couple
filing, jointly and $4,750 for single taxpayers.
The new law expands the 15% tax bracket for married couples filing
jointly to double that of single taxpayers. The expansion of the
15% bracket to eliminate potential marriage penalties benefits all
joint filers with income over $47,450, though some marriage penalty
kicks in again for married couples starting above $114,650 in
After- 2004, both the standard deduction and the
15% rate bracket expansion provisions "sunset," meaning that the
rules go back to the 2001 standards unless Congress decides to
re-enact the changes.
Win: Lower Capital Gains Rates
Investors come out a very big winner under the
2003 tax bill. The top capital (rains rate will fall from 20% to 15%. The lowest
capital gains rate will decrease to 5% from 10%. Note
that the lower rates are effective
for transactions
May 5. 2003. The
lower rates are scheduled to
expire after
The paperwork on capital gains for 2003
has the potential to be a nightmare
and our office is here to assist
you with this project.
gains on sales made through May 5
will be taxed at up to 20%
or 10% where sales made
after May 5 will be
taxed at 15% or 5%. There is no
increase to the $3,000 annual limitation
on deducting excess capital losses.
Taxpayers in the lowest two brackets
(10% and 15%) will he a one-year
bonus in 2008 when they will pay
no federal taxes on capital
gains. The tax is
reinstated after 2008.
Win: Dividends Taxed at 15%
Dividend income is currently taxed as
ordinary income. Under the 2003
tax legislation. the top dividend rate is
lowered to 15%.
Taxpayers in the lowest
two tax brackets will pay 5%. This
is a very significant change when
you consider the fact that the current top
rate for dividends is 38.6%. The
new lower rates are
effective for qualified dividends received
December 31, 2002. That's right
- all qualifying dividends
received this year will be taxed
at the lower rates of 15% and
Taxpayers in the lowest two
brackets will get a
one-year bonus in 2008
when they will pay no tax on dividend
income. The tax is reinstated
after 2008
Families Win: Child Tax Credit Increased
The child
increased from the current $600 to $1,000. As a result some 24.4
million families are eligible to receive a $400
rebate check this
Treasury Department and the IRS
will rely on data in the
system from 2002 tax
returns. Taxpayers and their tax professionals are not required to
take any additional steps
to receive the checks. Of
course there is one exception
if' a taxpayer hasn't filed (on
extension) their 2002
federal tax return it might be in their best interest
to do so in order to get their tax
data and eligibility
into the system. Taxpayers will
receive a letter from the
government in advance of the
checks. The direct deposit option
isn't available -
the checks must he mailed.
Parents, who give birth or adopted
a child in 2003, will have
to wait until they file
their 2003 tax return to claim the full $1,000 credit.
The child tax credit phases out
for married couples that earn more than $110,000 in AGI and single
parents whose AGI exceeds
Unless this increase in
the child tax credit is extended
by Congress, the credit
will drop back to $700 in 2005
and 5500 in 2011. After 2005, the
credit will slowly build hack up to
$1,000 before falling to $500 in
2011. Talk about confusion.
The first round of rebate checks
were nailed on July 25. The
remaining checks were
received in early August.
The idea was to have eligible
taxpayers receive the funds ASAP
and with any luck spend
the money and in the
process stimulate the economy.
That's the congressional game
Not everyone
with children will receive
the rebate checks. An estimated 6.5 million minimum-wage families
were excluded from the benefit
due to the fact that "they do not
pay or owe taxes."
This statement is very misleading
since they do in fact pay a variety of taxes
just not the right ones for the
child tax credit. While it
is reasonably anticipated
Congress will correct this
perceived injustice. the
Senate, President Bush and
the House appear to be at odds on how to resolve the issue. Congress
left for its summer recess
without making any progress
on this issue.
June 5, 2003, the U.S. Senate,
in record breaking time. voted (94-2) to
make the child tax credit advance
payment available to an
additional 6.5 million
taxpayers. President Bush is
on record as supporting the
extension. This issue has
the potential to have
serious political implications and the strong Senate vote
illustrates that fact. The battle to expand the child tax
credit is taking place in the House of
Breaks for Businesses
Included in 2003 Tax Law
Continuing with the theme that
the Jobs
and Growth
Reconciliation Act
of 2003 offers something
for almost everyone, the law
increases the amount that business
can "expense" or immediately
write off, from S25,000 to
$100,000. For 2003 through
2005, firms that put less
than $400,000 of assets in use in a
year can expense up to $100,000 of
the cost in lieu of
depreciation. The trigger
point of the investment limitation
from $200,000 to $400,000. The
dollar limitations will he
indexed for inflation
during 2004 & 2005.
so-called expensing
deduction has the potential to
assist businesses while also serving
to stimulate the economy. The
business community can be
expected to leverage the
available tax incentive.
Bonus depreciation is increased
from 30% to 50% for
post-May 5, 2003
acquisitions. The type of property
that qualifies for this special allowance is unchanged from
existing law. For the 50%
allowance to apply. the
property must be acquired
May 5, 2003, and
before January 1, 2005. Note that if a
binding contract
to acquire the property was
in effect before May 6,
2003, the property does not
qualify for the 50% bonus depreciation
(30ci% may be available). Taxpayers may elect out of bonus
The 2003 Tax Act is a bumpy series of starts and
in some cases accelerating for brief periods some provisions of the 2001 Tax Act, providing
short-term business investment incentives, and dramatically reducing
income tax rates on capital gains and
dividends for a short period of time.
As always your individual focus
should be on how the tax law changes
and how the tax law
changes may benefit you.
Summer 2003 Tax Client Newsletter
and for the opportunity to serve as
your tax professional.